Tattoo Test Patch

To ensure your safety and comfort during the tattooing process, a patch test is available. This brief session helps us assess any potential allergic reactions to the ink.

Please book your patch test appointment online or call. Your safety is our priority, and this precautionary measure aligns with our dedication to providing a secure and enjoyable experience.

Book your appointment today!

By booking a patch test for tattooing, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • Patch tests are conducted to check for any adverse reactions or allergies to the tattoo ink.

  • This test involves applying a small amount of ink to a discreet area of your skin.

  • While every precaution is taken, reactions can still occur, and we cannot guarantee against them.

  • Any reaction or discomfort experienced during or after the patch test should be reported immediately to our studio.

  • The patch test does not guarantee the absence of a reaction during the actual tattooing process.

By proceeding with the patch test appointment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms.

Book your appointment today!

For all bookings and enquiries please get in touch or visit our studio